Tax Certificates Services

Report detail taxing jurisdiction, assessed values, amounts owed for current tax year and any deliquent tax years .

What is a Tax Certificate?

A property tax is a levy on property that the owner is required to pay. The tax is levied by the governing authority of the jurisdiction in which the property is located.

The Tax certificate will provide an individual taxing authority for a property, including county, city and other taxing jurisdiction. It also provides a comprehensive description of the assessed value of the property. It will include property assessment details, and a summary of current tax year tax amounts owed by the property owner. Also, it will report any amount of prior taxes, penalties, interest due to the collecting authority on a property from the assessor/county offices by calling, faxing, via email or mailing.

Why YDealtitleservices, LLC Tax Certificates?

1) We have the best flat rate prices in the country. We will customize a flat rate (All Inclusive) fee structure that fits your needs.

2) Our Tax Certificate Department is encompassing of highly trained and dedicated individuals that have over many years work on the same product. This ensures you the quickest turnaround times possible. Typically, 24 hours.

3) Not only will outsourcing this product rescue you time, but it offers protection when information is missed or inaccurately reported.

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