Municipal Lien Searches

Reveal issues with unrecorded liens. This includes Code Enforcement Violations, Utilities, Permits, Special Assessments and Taxes

Why Municipal Lien Search?

A municipal lien search looks for unrecorded property issues that a traditional title search does not uncover. This includes unpaid/open utility bills, code violations, special assessments, property taxes, and open or expired building permits. These municipal issues aren’t in the public record but still contribute a problem as new owners may be held liable for any debts and issues.

Our office conducts a search of the subject property for any open and/or expired permit information on record with the municipality.

What is Included in a Municipal Lien Search?

    Our municipal lien search reports provide the following items:
  • * Property tax summaries
  • * Special Assessments
  • * Code violations
  • * Open or expired permits
  • * unpaid utilities

Call YDealtitleservices today at 302-600-1444 to learn more about our wide range of products and services. Find out how we can become the “one-stop services” for all your title and settlement service’s needs.